Who will enjoy this blog the most?

  • Software engineers
  • Tech enthusiasts
  • Data scientists

The articles here will be meant to tackle one single problem with a solution that one can read in under 15 minutes. Ideally, I will mention the targetted audience of each article for your ease of reading and add tags for filter by tech stack, language, domain, etc.

Who is the author?

Gourish, a software developer and tech enthusiast.
I will be mainly writing on the software developement practices and neat quirks of different languages that I use at work or personal projects.

I will try to regularly update about my personal projects here and give the idea behind my work.

I am mainly a c++ developer and would be focusing on open source projects with c++ as the language used for the core of the project

Check out my github gourishbiradar for more info on the projects I am currently working on.